🛫Future of DoveSwap

Plans for the $DOV token as well as other integrations and partnerships

$DOV token plans

We have quite a few long term plans for the $DOV token. To address them all, it would be easier to break it down by the different sectors that they are all involved in:

DoveSwap [DEX]:

For the initial phase of our DEX, to avoid disrupting the returns of our LP’s, we’ve left the fee switch turned off. However, eventually, we’ll be turning on the fee switch. We’ll be putting in a proposal for the timeline and all $DOV holders will get to vote for whether turning on the fee switch at that point in time is desirable.

Fundamentally, this converts the $DOV token to one of value beyond just governance. Because at that point, it will start receiving 10-25% of the trading fees throughout the pools that DoveSwap supports!

For some context as to how to calculate how valuable that is as of this writing:

We’ve had 37k in the past 24 hours of daily trading volume.

Given that 15% of trading fees (0.3%) approximates to about 0.05%

The amount that the $DOV token holders would receive is about $18.5 for that one day alone. For a year, assuming 0 growth altogether, that would be about $6.75k in fees accumulated for $DOV holders.

And that’s on a TVL of about 550k, which would make it about a 1.2% ROI, without any consideration for future growth and increased trading volumes!

So this is just the raw value for holding $DOV tokens alone for their DEX token utility.


As many of you know, we’ve launched a Perp DEX called ShrikePerps that is live on https://shrike.dovish.finance/

We believe in the potential of our perpetual derivatives on Polygon zkEVM, which we know has much more room for growth. Which is why we know that our governance token $SHK will be released on a limited scale.

As promised, our $DOV token will function as an exclusive passport to our empire of protocols. As such, $SHK token sales will be limited to holders of $DOV token holders, with holders of more tokens getting access to much more $SHK tokens!

This is an exclusive privilege for our earlier holders, and allows them to get safer perp DEX returns from the perp DEX trading fees (30%), albeit at a lower rate compared to $SHLP holders (70%)

Furthermore, managing both a Perp DEX and a DEX is actually beneficial for the long term because we can incentivize the appropriate pools on either to maximize trading volume on both DEX-es!

Long term plans with other products to be launched

Eventually, the $DOV token passport will graduate from just being used for gauging token sale tiers, and we’ll have mechanisms in place for staking/wrapping $DOV token such that our users can get access to revenue streams across all our products.

We hope you look forward to it!

Partnerships with other protocols:


DoveSwap is proud to work officially with FRAX to be the first farms on Polygon zkEVM for FRAX assets such as FRAX, frxETH, and sfrxETH.

This gives folks on zkEVM the chance to access staked ETH equivalents, and will be a core product for future protocols to come!


We've had the pleasure of being invited to be on the API3 OEV alpha program where ShrikePerps actually benefit from frontrunners!

Check out the details here: https://twitter.com/DovishFi/status/1658834829918588940?s=20


DoveSwap is proud to be partners with Layerswap to bring easy on-ramp boarding for crypto to Polygon zkEVM. Our users are now able to bring over ETH from CEX-es to Polygon zkEVM in about 2-3 minutes, greatly minimizing time spent on bridges and L1's!

TBA [We have more to come!]

Last updated